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See History Come Alive


Members of the Historical Society of Moreau and South Glens Falls volunteer at Parks-Bentley Place to offer a variety of programs for school classes, children’s and young adults’ clubs, and organizations for adults. The fee for school or children’s groups is only $2 per person (including chaperones). Groups of at least ten individuals can request private tours. Programs can be mixed and matched according to your needs.


Groups of at least ten individuals can schedule tours of specific areas of Parks-Bentley Place for an in-depth history. The adult group price is a flat fee of $50 for up to ten individuals, plus $5 each for each person in a group of more than ten. Tours are limited to a maximum of thirty-five individuals to ensure the best experience.


Each program is approximately 45- 60 minutes long and can be scheduled by emailing or by contacting Nancy Purinton at (518-636-3856).

A Park-Bentley volunteer guides visitors through the series of obstacles that a slave might meet while escaping to the North and freedom.


Our easy registration form

outlines all the information

we will need to schedule the

program of your choice.

Click here to request a program for your class or group.

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